Last night I received an email from an old squaredancing buddy, Kris, who has been maintaining a square dance blog for the past several years. She periodically googles for “square dance blog,” and this time the results included several of my own entries, so she dropped me a nice line letting me know she’d found me again, and telling me that she’d missed me.
And that’s the kind of thing that can make this Internet stuff seem worthwhile again, these times and ways of connecting and reconnecting that make me forget, at least briefly, all the weight-loss, penile-enlargement, viagra-pushing, printer-cartridge-promoting spam that the net also has enabled.
Just found this for ya.
Thanks, Stephen! I’ve left a comment on that blog entry, which suggests that “hoedowns” wouldn’t “fly here on the East Coast,” letting the author know about the active gay and lesbian square dance clubs up and down the Coast from Miami to Boston, and especially including the large and very active clubs in DC and New York.